Zero Bone Loss Concepts – a unique compilation of surgical and prosthetic factors, which are important to develop and maintain crestal bone stability.
Surgical factors start with implant design and biological aspects. Mucosal tissue thickness was shown to be the factor having an impact on crestal bone stability. Even platform switching of the implant-abutment connection does not reduce crestal bone loss if soft tissues at the implant placement are thin. It is suggested that thin tissues might be thickened during implant placement, thus reducing bone resorption. If bone height is not sufficient, vertical augmentation of the soft tissue is recommended with different materials – autograft, a xenograft or a dermis-derived allograft.
Further, it is important to preserve bone levels after prosthetic treatment. Recent research has proved that the deeper the position of the margin, the greater the amount of residual cement is left undetected. The relation between the position of cement excess in the peri-implant sulcus, periodontal status of the patient and severity of peri-implant disease is explained. To avoid cement excess, finished implant restoration with the occlusal opening is cemented on titanium base in laboratory and restoration is attached to the implant by an abutment screw. Zirconium as a material is considered the best for peri-implant soft tissues. However, it’s evident that it must be treated in a special manner and polished.
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The intelligent choice for soft bone, especially near the maxillary sinus.
Implantul ARDS - tip SMART este autoforant, cu filet dublu ce ii confera stabilitate primara ridicata chiar si in osul de densitate scazuta . Protocolul chirurgical combinat cu forma implantului ARDS permite compresia osului spongios in timpul insertiei, obtinand astfel stabilitate primara ridicata. Astfel fortele sunt distribuite de-a lungul implantului si nu doar in zona corticala.
Platforma “ Switching “ (consta in utilizarea unui bont cu diametrul mai mic pozitionat pe un implant cu diametrul mai mare). Avantajele sunt atat functionale, prin mentinerea inaltimii osului crestal, cat si estetice prin mentinerea nivelului tesutului moale peri-implantar.Suprafata SLA - suprafata sablata si gravata cu acizi organici . Suprafata rugoasa a implantului prezinta o rezistenta la frecare mai mare in cazul mobilizarilor la nivelul suprafetelor de contact , fata de o suprafata neteda. For hard bone, usually found in the anterior part of the mandible (D1, D2) our CIT implants use less aggressive buttress threads and sharp first apical thread to make the insertion easier in harder, more cortical bone. For soft bone, usually found towards the posterior area (D2, D3, D4) our SMART implants use deeper threads with more compression of the cancellous bone to achieve more primary stability in that region.
ARDS CIT conic
Platform switching, also known as platform shifting, is whenever an abutment is used that is smaller in diameter than the implant platform. Platform switching can help prevent crestal bone loss,1 which is fundamental for the implant’s long-term success and stability. It can also increase the volume of soft tissue around the implant platform, helping to improve the esthetic end result.
The intelligent choice for soft bone, especially near the maxillary sinus.
Implantul ARDS - tip SMART este autoforant, cu filet dublu ce ii confera stabilitate primara ridicata chiar si in osul de densitate scazuta . Protocolul chirurgical combinat cu forma implantului ARDS permite compresia osului spongios in timpul insertiei, obtinand astfel stabilitate primara ridicata. Astfel fortele sunt distribuite de-a lungul implantului si nu doar in zona corticala.Conexiune Conica ARDS Conexiunea conica de 23 de grade de tip Morse Taper a implantului dentar ARDS creeaza sigilarea si imbinarea ideala intre implant si bont . Prin “platform switching” se minimizeaza micromiscarile la nivelul conexiunii bont-implant, reducand riscul resorbtiei de os la nivel crestal si formeaza o sigilare gingivala excelenta pentru volum sporit de tesut moale pentru obtinerea unui rezultat estetic si functional de lunga durata – Estetica Roz . Prin sigilarea gingivala scadem posibilitatea de infiltrare bacteriana. Suprafata de contact os- implant este mai mare cu 15%, comparativ cu alte implanturi de acelasi diametru. Conservare osoasa – reducerea cu 40% a volumului de os forat - scurteaza in mod semnificativ perioada de osteointegrare . Pastrarea acuratetii in frezarea neoalveolei cu o pierdere minima de os cu ajutorul LEADING PIN-ului ( pin de ghidaj ) , ce previne vibratiile si ajuta la o frezare precisa cu frezele TREPAN. Pastrarea acuratetii in frezarea neoalveolei cu o pierdere minima de os cu ajutorul LEADING PIN-ului ( pin de ghidaj ) , ce previne vibratiile si ajuta la o frezare precisa cu frezele TREPAN.