Multi Unit CONIC

  • Multi Unit drept cu inaltime gingivala 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm.
  • Multi Unit angulat 17 grade , 30 grade cu inaltime gingivala 1mm, 2mm.
  • Conexiune interna CONICA.
  • Solutie protetica recomandata pentru lucrarile insurubate all on 4, all on 6 si nu numai. Lucrarile pot fi realizate atat prin varianta clasica, cat si prin cea digitala.Torque recomandat 30Ncm.
Multi Unit Straight & Angulated The Multi-unit Abutment is designed for fixed and screw-retained restoration of partially and completely edentulous arches including the All-on-4 treatment concept. It comes in straight and angled (17° and 30°) alternatives with a broad selection of collar heights to match the thickness of the soft tissue. Straight, 17°, 30° adapters, in a variety of heights, connects to a wide range of complementary products. Material: Titanium.

Multi Unit HEX

  • Multi Unit drept cu inaltime gingivala 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm.
  • Multi Unit angulat 17 grade , 30 grade cu inaltime gingivala 1mm, 2mm.
  • Conexiune hexagonala
  • Solutie protetica recomandata pentru lucrarile insurubate all on 4, all on 6 si nu numai. Lucrarile pot fi realizate atat prin varianta clasica, cat si prin cea digitala.Torque recomandat 30Ncm.
Multi Unit Straight & Angulated The Multi-unit Abutment is designed for fixed and screw-retained restoration of partially and completely edentulous arches including the All-on-4 treatment concept. It comes in straight and angled (17° and 30°) alternatives with a broad selection of collar heights to match the thickness of the soft tissue. Straight, 17°, 30° adapters, in a variety of heights, connects to a wide range of complementary products. Material: Titanium.