Categorii de produse
2302-76 F Micro pensa chirurgicala anatomica, diamond coated, 0.6 mm | dreapta
Științe fundamentale în Implantologia Orală
• Tipuri de incizie (Incizia la nivelul mandibulei edentate total, Incizia la nivelul mandibulei edentate parţial, Incizia la nivelul maxilarului edentate ).
• Diverse lambouri in zona estetica in functie de anatomia osului si a tesutului moale : lambou triunghiular, lambou trapeizoidal, lambou dreptunghiular, lambou pentru prezervarea papilei, lambou bucal estetic, incizie la baza papilei.
• Tehnici de sutura: sutura nod dublu simplu, sutura in saltea orizontala pentru zona estetica, sutura in saltea orizontala modificata, sutura repozitionata coronar, sutura repozitionata apical.
Kit Anse »Implant/Crestal
MODUL PIEZOMED Classic SA-430 M fara LED
Bont drept cu prag HEX
S 11 Piesa dreapta 1:1 fara LED W&H
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Lansezi comanda
2500-34 F Compactor for bone grafting material | 5.0 / 4.0 mm | F-LINE
Capa de vindecare OT Equator
2302-66 F Micro pensa chirurgicala atraumatica „Cooley” | 0.6 mm | dreapta | grooved | F-LINE
Zero Bone Loss Concepts – a unique compilation of surgical and prosthetic factors, which are important to develop and maintain crestal bone stability.
Surgical factors start with implant design and biological aspects. Mucosal tissue thickness was shown to be the factor having an impact on crestal bone stability. Even platform switching of the implant-abutment connection does not reduce crestal bone loss if soft tissues at the implant placement are thin. It is suggested that thin tissues might be thickened during implant placement, thus reducing bone resorption. If bone height is not sufficient, vertical augmentation of the soft tissue is recommended with different materials – autograft, a xenograft or a dermis-derived allograft.
Further, it is important to preserve bone levels after prosthetic treatment. Recent research has proved that the deeper the position of the margin, the greater the amount of residual cement is left undetected. The relation between the position of cement excess in the peri-implant sulcus, periodontal status of the patient and severity of peri-implant disease is explained. To avoid cement excess, finished implant restoration with the occlusal opening is cemented on titanium base in laboratory and restoration is attached to the implant by an abutment screw. Zirconium as a material is considered the best for peri-implant soft tissues. However, it’s evident that it must be treated in a special manner and polished.
1300-79 F Cleste extractie adulti #79 | Mandibula | Molar 3 inferior | F-LINE
Frezele chirugicale ARDS – tip BURGHIU si TREPAN sunt acoperite cu DLC (diamond like carbon).
- nu supraincalzesc osul
- durata de viata a frezei este mai mare, rezistenta mare la uzura.
The coating type is an improvement of the known DLC (diamond like carbon).For the need of increasing the apex stability of the dental implant and decreasing the cutting temperature during drilling the bone, the drills have unique multi-layer coating. They are manufactured from high quality surgical materials, coated by Dark Grey coating DNT² (the advanced version of DLC). The coating increases the tool’s’ life and has a very high resistance to corrosion. Cutting is smooth due to hard carbon lubricant which allows the increasing of the autoclaving cycles. Depth marking are very clear due to high contrast between the coating and the drills’ material. The Dark Grey is antireflective.